
When would you need a coach?

Coaching is a widely used tool for maximising performance and professional development for both individuals and teams.  In sport all top performers and world-class teams have a coach to push and challenge them to perform at their best.  Business is gradually realising this and is coaching is fast becoming the thing that makes the difference between average and exceptional performance.

Eric Schmidt, ex-CEO and Executive Chair of Google is widely quoted as saying that the best advice he ever got was to hire a coach.  Coaching can be a deeply powerful force for positive change and can drive levels of performance that may previously have been thought to be unobtainable.

Every person and team is different but there are common themes that bring people to coaching, for example: 

  • Leading a company, department or team
  • A new team going through its forming stage
  • An established team with a desire to improve its performance
  • A new role in a new company or a promotion
  • Returning to work after a period of absence
  • Leaving work to pursue a new direction or challenge
  • To work through challenges, set ambitious goals or to build confidence

Coaching helps ensure that change takes root long-term and that high performance is sustained on an organisational or individual level. It can mean the difference between success and failure. 

It helps people challenge themselves to be the best they can be, work through barriers, find innovative solutions and ideas and grow in confidence and courage.  

What does it entail?

My coaching model draws its main influences from the Co-active and Challenging coaching models with other influences from GROW, solutions-based coaching, positive psychology, systems theory, emotional intelligence and change theories. For teams I use the Systemic Team Coaching approach. 

I use a variety of creative techniques to stimulate thinking, to approach situations from different angles and to help clients break through their personal barriers. 

The experience of being coached is one of gaining personal insight, challenge, motivation, and commitment to move forward with perspective on the impact we make on the world around us.