Anna is a fantastic coach: engaging, experienced and highly focused. I was impressed by how she tailored her considerable insight to mine and my organisation's specific needs. She's not afraid to nudge where needed, and is a terrific facilitator of people, in groups and individually. I enjoyed every minute!   

Caroline McGinn, Global Editor-in-Chief, Time Out

Anna cares personally but also isn’t afraid to challenge you in a way to get the best out of yourself, this really shows through in her coaching style. It was easy to establish a rapport and with her guidance I felt we were able to make progress towards some valuable progress in a short space of time. Throughout my sessions with Anna we explored a number of different themes, ranging from how to be a more effective lead through to more business specific strategic objectives. By asking really good questions, reflecting my own thoughts back to me and by presenting theoretical frameworks to frame the problem in a new way Anna was able to get me to some moments of clarity that I would not have been able to accomplish by myself. I would highly recommend her as a coach.

Global HR Program Manager, Silicon Valley Technology company


Anna guided our Management Team through a full day training on how to provide feedback, how to coach, and how to delegate. The training was very interactive and engaging, and Anna created an atmosphere of trust and openness in the room which facilitated the learning process. Following the group session, Anna led individual one-to-one sessions which allowed individuals to focus on their specific management challenges and pathways, and brought the training to life with personalized attention. Following the sessions, the team has been more confident in their management approach, and has been able to directly implement practical tips and strategies into day to day work. We are already looking forward to the next occasion to work with Anna!

Victoria Breck, Managing Director, Grayling Public Affairs, Brussels 

My sessions with Anna have been brilliant. She’s really helped me to think through problem areas in my life, which felt impossible to tackle on my own. Anna is empathetic, patient and insightful, and has helped me to unravel the unconstructive thought patterns that had been holding me back. After only a few sessions, I felt able to address areas of my life that I had been avoiding, and as a result I’ve made much more progress than I could have hoped for. 

Employee in Technology company

I sought Anna’s advice and support while preparing for a senior overseas conference. As I was recently appointed into a new senior global role I wanted to ensure I could make maximum impact with peers and senior colleagues. Anna was able to take me through a number of scenarios and used a variety of different skills and techniques to help me work on my impact and influence and get the most out of the conference.


I felt more confident and able to interact with my colleagues positively as a result of the coaching. I am now working with Anna at continuing to grow my confidence and ability to present myself at a senior level in the longer term.


Anna is professional, articulate and emotionally intelligent. She has a wealth of experience working with senior management in a number of different sectors which she can bring into sessions if required. I cannot recommend Anna enough as an executive coach.

Head of Human Resources, Engineering Consultancy