
Anna Marriott Human Resources Consultant for tech startups. Director Eleventh Spirit

I specialise in people strategy and team development for tech startups and rapid-growth scale ups, by:

  • Coaching their leaders and senior teams to work together effectively and understand the impact of their behaviours
  • Defining the right structure, culture, leadership and management behaviours, processes and reward systems to support their growth
  • Putting the right people frameworks in place that make staff feel valued
  • Supporting existing people teams and leadership teams with people-related issues and challenges

Individual and team coaching are core parts of my services – these are built into working with leadership teams to define what’s right for the business.  

 It’s vital to create workplaces where employees thrive and perform at their best; it’s really important to create those conditions early in a company’s life or growth trajectory with the right attention in the right areas.   

Human resources services

I maximise people performance and development at your company by partnering with leaders and teams to: 

  • Look at your organisation structure, culture, people plans and processes
  • Review areas of risk and put solutions in place to minimise them
  • Build the teams that will drive growth
  • Develop and embed vision and values
  • Create energy and momentum to move forward
  • Help you to resolve any people issues in the future

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Individual and Team Coaching

People listening to a speaker

Coaching is an ideal tool to help ensure that change takes root on an organisational or individual level. It can mean the difference between success and failure. 

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Man and woman looking at a laptop

I develop bespoke leadership, management and change training courses that are aligned to the context and culture of your company. 

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People informally sat around a table

From global leadership conferences to short team offsites, I design, develop and deliver workshops to create strategies for achieving team goals.


Two people working on laptops

An investigation and analysis of what will help your company reach its potential, from a people perspective. This may include: analysis of management practice and behaviours, organisational structure, reward systems, and culture and employee engagement. 

How I can help - example case

Anna Marriott Human Resources Consultant for tech startups. Director Eleventh Spirit

The client

  • CEO or co-founders of a startup
  • 10+ employees

The situation

  • Starting to scale and bring on employees from varied businesses to fill knowledge gaps
  • Senior staff bring their own ideas and ways of working and building their own teams
  • The opportunity for silos to form is high. Alignment on purpose and key issues is key
  • Expectations that you’ll fulfil your role as a good employer are high
  • Motivation is high but employees need to feel valued
  • Leadership team is forming and developing

The task

The CEO's job is to get that team of people pulling in the right direction for the success of the business – the best way to get the best from people is to cultivate the connections and relationships. You need to:

  • Build your self-awareness
  • Understand the impact and influence of your actions
  • Deliberately and purposefully build the best company structure and culture that sets your business up for success
  • Behave and communicate in ways that support your culture and make you a role model and leader

You understand technology, products, ideas, systems and processes, finances and investors. Your understanding of people will be a defining factor in your future success.  You might be experiencing:

  • Low-level conflict in the team
  • Unclear or overlapping remits
  • New team members who haven’t worked together before, with different agendas
  • Issues being put down to one ‘problem’ individual or personality clashes – or ‘not the right culture fit’

How Eleventh Spirit will help

The best companies pay attention to their people and their teams; I help you make this simple and avoid building management debt into your system.

People decisions and frameworks that add value and create the foundations for success.

Train and coach individuals and teams to enable them perform to the best of their ability.

Help hire the right type and level of people ops support – it’s really important to send the message that you care about your people and their development.

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